Do you believe the miracles of the Bible? The Bible describes 7 types of miracles Jesus performed. Jesus specifically:
- Fed thousands of people
- Cast out evil spirits
- Healed the blind, deaf, sick, injured, and infirmed
- Turned water into wine
- Calmed the water and other elements of nature
- Caught a large amount of fish
- Raised people from the dead, including HIMSELF.
Regarding healing and death: Jesus healed 18 people and raised 4 people including himself from the dead, in Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.
Do you only believe in biblical miracles? Or do you believe in current day miracles?
Miracles are sudden and unexplainable beyond the hands of God. Miracles are clearly all God and all of God’s grace.
There are two extreme doctrine teaching in the body of Christ regarding miracles:
- Cessationsism is the teaching that miracles ceased after the establishment of the early New Testament church; believe only what is personally seen and experienced.
- Sensationalism is the teaching that God can do all things; teaches the whole point of believing in God is miracles; miracles continue to happen.
And now, Lord, take notice of the threats they have made, and allow us, your servants, to speak your message with all boldness. Reach out your hand to heal, and grant that wonders and miracles may be performed through the name of your holy Servant Jesus.
Acts 4:29-30
I personally believe in current day miracles. I have been blessed to experience a few life changing miracles so far in my life. The birth of each of my children were miracles as they both were not “normal” pregnancy/delivery. Then, God further blessed me with a miracle of saving my daughter from a life-threatening illness – which is ONLY explainable through God’s grace. Then, four years later, we were blessed to have my son called, by Jesus, to donate his kidney to a mission partner for which he was a perfect match – which is ONLY explainable through God’s grace. I am eternally thankful and blessed to have witnessed these Godly miracles.
Have you experienced any miracles? What miracles can you pray for?
This week you can be bold and tell about God’s miracles. Telling about miracles can bring what may be the invisible God for some, to life. This week, you can pray for miracles of healing, like seen in the Gospels. You can pray for miracles of healing like witnessed here in life.
God’s love is shown to us through His works, through His miracles.
Thanks for sharing. I remember learning about those two views, Cessationsism and Sensationalism in our Beth Moore study, Believe God, last summer! I think it’s good to challenge our way of thinking and ask ourselves what we really believe God is capable of.