Strength in Menopause

I keep learning from life experiences more information than I knew from just being a nurse. For several years, I tried and tried to lose weight, but instead the weight just increased. I must have walked hundreds of miles, exercised at the gym, counted calories, increased protein intake, and decreased carbohydrate intake. Honestly, to no avail the weight did not decrease. Frustration.

I saw my health care provider who I have seen for years. She tested my blood for any abnormalities including diabetes and thyroid disease. She concluded that everything was “normal” and that I would probably “just have to buy bigger clothes”. That was NOT an acceptable statement especially from a health care provider.

“Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body.

1 Corinthians 6:19-20

I am blessed that my son is a Personal Trainer. He recommended weight training to me at 57 years old!!! I had noticed, over several years, that I was not as strong when moving/lifting patients. The rationale for weight training is that as women go through menopause we lose muscle mass. Another important fact is that once you have muscles, they continuously burn more calories per hour than fat cells.

Some of you may be asking, what is weight training? I would highly recommend a few sessions with a Personal Trainer to instruct you on proper body mechanics to start. I personally, lift weights, press weights, curl weights, squats, push ups, etc. On different days, I focus on legs, then arms, then core exercises. God truly has provided me with motivation and dedication in this weight loss journey.

Repetitive aerobic exercising, like what I was doing for years, such as walking and cycling burn calories during the time of exercise and have a great benefit for your heart and lungs. But once I stopped walking and cycling, my body returned to the “normal”. Weight lifting, on the other hand, builds muscles and those muscles keep burning more calories for days.

I would like to encourage any of you that personally struggle with this phase in your life. This is an extremely slow weight loss method. I have lost about a pound per month. The non-scale benefits though are quicker to be seen. I now can lift and move patients so much easier. I can run!!! I can run a mile in under 8 minutes and not feel uncomfortable – which I have NEVER done!!! Perseverance!!!

The beauty of this part of my journey is taking care of my body, for my health, and for respecting the body God gave to me. Our bodies are gifts from God, created by him. Showing reverence to our Lord includes taking care of our precious body.

I hope this helps you to understand a different approach to weight loss, especially for women in menopause. I hope you will be inspired to take care of your body, that God gave to you.

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1 Comment

  1. This is awesome, I’m so proud of your commitment! I have always wanted to get into weight training but am admittedly pretty intimidated by it….

    You do a great job highlighting the benefits and showing that it’s possible to tailor your routine to your needs. Maybe one day I’ll join you!

    P.S.–I shared this with my mom because I’m trying to convincer her to give it a try!

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